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Thaddeus H. Caraway

VFW Post 2278 Honor Guard

Hot Springs, Arkansas

Special letter of recognition prepared by Carolyn Thompson of Hot Springs, Arkansas. This letter is being published with Mrs. Thompson's permission.  

Dated: April 28, 2001




To begin, understand I have attended many memorial services and have seen many different types of tribute services from all the branches of our great nations armed forces.  I have visited the Korean War Monument, the Monument for Hiroshima, and The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier along with the Viet Nam Memorial wall in Washington and thought all I had seen was most spectacular.  Indeed all of these were moving experiences and I would not trade them for pure gold, but understand, they pale in comparison to the very emotional experience I had while attending the service at Hot Springs Funeral Home.  At the closing of their memorial ceremony, one could feel nothing more than total reverence to these gentlemen, along with the strong urge to absorb at least a tiny portion of their kind spirits and gentle hearts made so strong by the call of duty to protect all of us and our great land.

I will try to find words to describe how the emotions were soaring, not just with myself, but others have voiced the same.  These men all had the same look in their face.  The same sadness showed in every eye.  The true compassion and sad feelings of another lost comrade came through each ones spirit.  This saddened me so- how many times have each of these precious men had to see this same sight!  Not in just these later years but the years they were starving, cold, and hurting, so that all of those here at home could sleep safely and warm.  Leaving their loved ones to fend for themselves and not knowing if they would get to return to a life at home, ever again.  How many times did they see the only "family" they had in these horrible war times fall, wounded and dying?  How many did they hold for that one instant to watch them draw their last breath, make their last request or a last minute message and the promise to give it to a family member or loved one?  The pain and constant fear lived day in and day out in not knowing if they too would taste their own warm blood or feel the hot, harsh pain of enemy gunfire before the dawns light.  To live through all that, year after year and yet continue to ride that same roller coaster in they're golden years!  How strong for how long must these men remain?  I would like to think they receive some solace and healing in being able to pay a respectable tribute in these, the peace times.  Helping to offset for those they were forced only to lay their riddled bodies down and walk away in order to protect others still in harms way.  This would take not only great physical strength but also extreme mental and spiritual sources.  Sources that the average person can not even begin to imagine having within.  To be able to continue performing these services with such deep concern, perfection and sincere emotion must be, in my opinion, the utmost sacrifice these men can possible offer their fellow comrades.  This being yet another true sign of their uncommon valor surfacing once again!  Having been through what they have, and lived to tell it, sure shows what special material they are made from.  Cut from a cloth known by only a select few.  The sad truth, this "cloth" is no longer made available to us!  These men are the last of a very special and much too quickly dying breed.  Where will we be after that entire generation is gone? Who will be our heroes?  There must surely be a very special place in heaven for these men and women.

I can only offer to each of you brave men, from the very bottom of my heart and from the hearts of all my loving family members, the biggest "THANK YOU", filled with all the love it can possible contain and then spilling freely over the brim.  Because of your strength and sacrifice, we have had a wonderful life filled with much joy and have remained in a free country to savor all the milk and honey this great land has to offer.  We have not had to endure the pain and nightmares that surely must fill your constant, relived dreams, and have not had to experience the death of so many friends, family and loved ones who fell at our sides in unspeakable, indescribable conditions.  All of you deserve to have a personal statue, if only to depict your kind souls, just a very small reminder to the American people of our debt owed to each of you war soldiers.

I am sure in the near future I will be attending yet another ceremony performed by this same group of men.  It is a true spiritual and warm emotional tribute to those who have been deserving of this high reward of recognition you fellow soldiers are left to bestow on their memory.  Once again, you are called upon to relinquish a last act of true camaraderie.

I will pray all of you remain in happiness and good health for the duration of your time left on this earth, this same earth you have laid your lives down to protect for others, now should offer only good for you.  We, as free Americans, owe this privilege to you men and women, the chosen few, who have made all these enjoyable things possible to us and our families.

Our prayers and wish of good blessings for each and every one of you brave men.


Carolyn Thompson
Hot Springs, Arkansas


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This site last updated 06/16/01
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